Course Description

Have you been asking yourself constantly  how to be more productive, energetic, happy and even abundant in time of adversity,  uncertainty?

One way is to look for courses, training modules that can give help hand. And when we get it:

 we say, oahhhhh I know this.

One thing is to know, another thing is to feel, and the third thing is - just do it.

And if in between we tend to meet procrastination (most of times), we forget simple ideas, hacks how to move one.

This short course is about moving towards better you, by clearly giving back into your hands' Awareness.

My Course on How to be Productive and in Peace helps people  who are in self-development journey, working professionals in their mid 30ties, - early 40ties have a feeling that is stuck or lack right move or “mode”

to learn to be productive and less multitasking, be healthier and conscious about their choices, and situations, so they can have productive and self-empowering time without stress and traffic in their head "what's next".

After this course:

1. At least immediate Three Productivity hacks from now on.

2. Your Personal Vitality Measurement Report.

3. Repeatable practise being Certain in your Decisions.

During the course:

Learning to Learn is about developing the ability to

  • “Resilience: ‘being ready, willing and able to lock on to learning’. Being able to stick with difficulty and cope with feelings such as fear and frustration.
  • Resourcefulness: ‘being ready, willing and able to learn in different ways’. Having a variety of learning strategies and knowing when to use them.
  • Reflection: ‘being ready, willing and able to become more strategic about learning’. Getting to know our own strengths and weaknesses.
  • Relationships or Reciprocity: ‘being ready, willing and able to learn alone and with others’.”

Therefore the content I am providing is multifaceted:

Video: recorded videos, videos from other channels.

Visuals: charts, explanatory diagrams, infographics.

Articles: used as a direct recourse, or published by me.

Audio: that can be downloaded.

Reports: available for personal use especially for individual evaluation (Vitality Measurement Dip)

E-book - to allocate time to further reading.

Checklist and Summary of the course.

I am giving all this content from my bottom of the heart to start you move. The beauty of it, you can make it in 45 minutes.

However, I advise scheduling 2 sessions for 30 minutes each. It makes sense if you take 3 days gap between the course. Awareness comes when you are silently observing and becoming insightful for self.

Now, please open your calendar and create an event for yourself. Simply do the scheduling (ex:  My course 1 - time; My Course 2 - time)

Phase 1:

Do a Vitality Measurement Dip Report. That is the background of all this course.

The sections contain videos, visual information, audio files, combined together or separately. So you will go through this phase first.

Phase 2:

The last section is powerful enough to bring you to the empowering state. Therefore it should be experienced, only the previous sections are gone through first.

Lastly, at the end of the course, you will receive

  • Cheatsheet and Summary.
  • Energy Acceleration template
  • Audio Certainty Exercise.
  • One Pager 1-minute Productivity Hack.
  • E-book: "The Power of Focus. Key To Unlock Your Inner Greatness" .
  • And much more.

Course curriculum

  • 1

    Welcome message

    • Welcome to the course

    • The Flow to Learn

    • Vitality Measurement Report

  • 2

    Health and Movement

    • Movement and 10 Benefits

    • Health

    • Lifestyle

  • 3


    • Sleep and Relaxation

    • Diet

  • 4


    • State of Certainty

    • Energy

    • How to Raise Your Energy

  • 5


    • Resources after the Course


Loreta Pi

Loreta is the resilience coach and an author of the "The Silent Coach Using Your Divine Silence to Create a Legacy". Loreta is an experienced facilitator over a decade helping people and organizations in their communication, leadership, and development in Asia and Europe.For the past few years, Loreta is in the line of coaching people to be confident and be clear in their life and work journey. Loreta’s programs and trainings led to distinctive results for self-leadership and management, and have been offered internationally in The Nordics, India, Sri Lanka, Germany, Serbia, Croatia, West Bank, UK, and Malaysia.